Two Day Training in Mind/Body Interventions for Stress Reduction

Mind/Body Interventions for Stress Reduction Coping With Infertility: Two-Day Training Thursday/Friday, March 24th and 25th 9:00 – 5:00pm New York City This training is comprehensive. An added benefit is the participation of the attendees. Therefore it will only take place if it is safe to meet in person. If not, it will be held off [...]

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Silence as an Antidote to the “Noise” of Infertility

At the time of this writing, The Museum of Modern Art in NYC is running an exhibition called Soundings: A Contemporary Score. Artists deconstructed sound and made it visable in a variety of ways. What interested me most were the artistic contributions that made silence audible. In one case, what a dog can hear was [...]

Nature Loves the Truth

Would an orchid keep its bloom in a closet without water, fertilizer, or exposure to the light of day?  Would a palm tree last very long in Siberia?  Could a herd of elephants sustain itself in a concrete jungle?  Doesn’t Mother Nature demand that each form of life live according to a certain set of [...]

Excerpt from, “On Fertile Ground: Healing Infertility”

Purchase Helen's book, On Fertile Ground: Healing Infertility. The following excerpt from my book speaks directly to those in an infertility struggle, but keep in mind that the tenets apply no matter what adversity you might be dealing with. On Fertile Ground: Healing Infertility by Helen Adrienne, LCSW, BCD Chapter 10 Gain from the Pain: [...]

Stress Reduction Controversy

Evidence-based research is both useful and not helpful when it comes to infertility. It is inspirational when you realize that if, as the research has shown, you can rid yourself of migraines with biofeedback by using your mind to control your temperature, it is only a short distance from there to realizing that you may not be helpless when it comes to influencing your fertility. (Of course this would only have merit if there weren’t structural abnormalities.) Feeling helpless will certainly contribute to stress.

The Concept of Stress Revisited

This entry is very simple. It is just meant to call your attention to what might be a more panoramic view of stress than you might currently be aware of. Consider my “3 A’s” approach to coping with stress: If you ACCEPT the reality, if you become more self-AWARE, and if you learn ways to ADAPT to the infertility experience, you can shift from feeling vanquished to feeling victorious.

The Stigma of Infertility

The results of a recently released study of 50 infertile couples claims that couples hold back from sharing their infertility because they feel stigmatized. While couples might feel stigmatized, in my 32 years of practice I have observed that it makes sense to hold back from sharing their infertility because it’s nobody’s business but theirs.

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