Mind/Body Counseling

Helen has enjoyed working with individuals and couples seeking relief from a wide range of issues. She excels in connecting with people in a way that would leave you feeling understood and has the experience and skills to guide you to the place where you can understand your options for relief, growth and change. Helen’s training in mind/body therapy and clinical hypnotherapy are powerful tools that are stress-reducing and facilitate your feeling of empowerment. To watch people clarify their goals, heal themselves and/or their relationships, and reclaim control of their lives is truly her passion.

The mind/body connection is where it’s at and Helen’s training and experience in mind/body therapy & hypnotherapy are solution-oriented tools of choice that allow her to offer treatment for habit control, relaxation training, problem-solving, preparation for surgery, performance anxiety and more.

If you’ve been slapped in the face with an infertility diagnosis, your world may feel unrecognizable. Whether the upset lands in your mind, your body, your relationship, whether it impacts your work or your plans – you can get back in control.

Helen Adrienne’s vast experience and effectiveness will help you find your resiliency and strength to move forward.
